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Mostra annuale 2011

The Foundation Spinola Banna per l’Arte is pleased to announce the opening of the groupshow Mostra annuale 2011 on Saturday 22 October at 12p.m. with works by Andrea De Stefani, Valentina Roselli, Caterina Rossato and HR Stamenov.

Fondazione Spinola Banna per l'Arte
From 23 October to 13 November 2011

Opening 12 noon Saturday 22 October

The Annual Spinola Banna Foundation Exhibition opens at 12 noon on 22 October. It brings together a special selection of projects created by artists who have taken part in its workshops from 2010 – 2011.
The show includes work by Giorgio Guidi, Alessandro Laita, Marco Strappato and Diego Tonus.
This exhibition, realised with financial support from the Compania di San Paolo and a contribution from the Fondazione CRT, is the final showcase of a year’s activities, the result of a careful choice of those projects considered to be most interesting in terms of artistic research and formal excellence.

The commission that selected the four projects to be included in the 2011 group show was composed of Liliana Moro, course master in October 2011, Leigh Ledare, course master in April 2011, Gail Cochrane, Artistic Director of the Spinola Foundation and Guido Costa, member of the Spinola Foundation’s organising committee.
The four artists whose work will be on show to the public until 13 November have elaborated upon what they learned during their workshop experiences at the Foundation during the past year, leaving a trace of their artistic development in the form of site-specific works created for spaces in and around the Banna estate.

Giorgio Guidi took as his starting point an architectural element from the countryside around Banna (a small chapel), reinterpreting it using salvaged wooden pallets to recreate a simulacrum which has become a synthesis of overlapping elements: the countryside, personal experiences and the energy of the residence itself.
Alessandro Laita has created a site-specific piece for Banna’s own exhibition space, which offers us a chance to reflect on the concept of “artist”. To do so he collected 100 workings out (ideas, notes and documents) to create a “personal canvas”, the result of a homemade recycling process using sheets of paper.
Marco Strappato has woven together different materials and everyday encounters, which speak in different artistic tongues to explore the concept of “imaginary”. His project Fake Lake sees images, neon installations, videos and pictorial elements dialogue to create a sort of “lake” of formal and conceptual associations, and visual and textual references.
The work of Diego Tonus is an even more direct homage to the Banna learning experience. His experimental video piece, Residenti, is a compilation of film sequences shot during courses at the Foundation over the years. With it the artist tries to return a favour to Banna with an artwork about the creative processes carried out there, destructuring it in order to create a sort of history that can never be defined a priori.

This exhibition provides us with a chance to learn more about the work of the Spinola Art Foundation, founded by Gianluca Spinola in 2004 and supported by the Compania di San Paolo.
The Foundation organises seminars, workshops and conferences on art and contemporary music to promote a greater theoretical understanding of current artistic practices, while at the same time teaching some of the most relevant themes in current philosophical debate connected with them. In particular, the main activity and distinctive element has been the setting up of a post-university training programme on contemporary art with residency, dedicated to artists under 35 working in Italy, with special emphasis on artists from Piedmont. The programme comprises two intensive workshops a year and a series of encounters to discuss themes of particular interest to contemporary arts. The workshops are oriented towards in-depth analysis that develops through discussion, study and project sessions. They are chaired and conducted by leading international artists.

From 23 October to 13 November 2011
Friday / Saturday / Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. – free entrance
Fondazione Spinola Banna per l'Arte - Frazione Banna - Poirino (To)
Tel. 011 9459802 – mail:

Mostra annuale 2011

Photogallery Corso