Fondazione Spinola-Banna per l'arte
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HOME | Visual arts | Alberto Garutti

Alberto Garutti

For 2005 the Foundation has selected Alberto Garutti as the master of the workshop.

"I believe that holding a dialogue between the artist and his audience has always been the basis of the work itself and this plays now a more important role as art is tending to live again in the open space, in touch with real life, that is with architecture and its background, with media and above all with an audience no more as selected as the artistic audience".

The whole work of Alberto Garutti expresses the will to leave behind museum as institution opposing to it the original sense of the audience, that means - as the artist assumes - "going to" the work. The artist has decided to expose in pubblic spaces, even if he knows that just moving the exposition space is not enough to revitalise the spectator's role and to make easier his relationship with art.

His artistic analysis anyway is based on a intense consideration on the place where the piece of art is exposed and comes from: his urban works are developed by respect in the existing architecture for the inhabitants' delicacy.

The strong ethical connotation in his works, realised by different techniques and methods, allows a communication with the environment even more when they will be realised.

The work of Alberto Garutti are enlived by his memoirs, by the relationship between human being and his natural and vital environment, between his towns and his architecture and his more intimate affections.

Photogallery Corso
