Fondazione Spinola-Banna per l'arte
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Tobias Rehberger

Beginning in 2008, the Fondazione Banna Spinola per l’Arte, will expand upon its teaching initiatives by inaugurating a series of short project workshops dedicated to young artists who have already taken part in activities at the Fondazione.

The short workshops are, in other words, nothing more than a sort of extension in teaching terms of those already carried out by the Fondazione. Their aim is to provide future support and help for those young artists selected to attend workshops over the years.
These new encounters will be presided over by special, highly-acclaimed guests from the world of contemporary art: artists, curators, museum directors, and specialists who will share their own special brand of knowledge and experiences with the students.
This will increase the scope of the Fondazione’s activities, which is keen to promote an exchange of cultures and experiences so as to broaden those forms of specific knowledge and experience which have become increasingly important for anyone intending to participate in the globalized world of visual arts.The first appointment from 12th –14th March will be with Tobias Rehberger, one of the most celebrated and sophisticated German artists of his generation.
For many years Rehberger has been interested the world of contemporary mythologies, which he not only expresses through visual art but also fashion, design (with special reference to the 60s and 70s) and sport – all activities that indicate new lifestyles, specific to a certain historic period of time.
Rehberger’s work embraces many different expressive forms ranging from sculpture to video installation, from wall murals to the production of handmade furniture and cars. He has even created a garden and bar. Thus he is constantly increasing his field of experimentation through continual personal research. Coupled with this is his strong interest in themes that explore perception, knowledge, the different ways of varying viewpoints and perspective, and the relationship between the functional character of the object and the value attributed to it. Rehberger’s artistic output, in other words, would have us pay more attention to the world in which we live.
During these three days of seminars, Tobias Rehberger will provide the public of young artists at the Fondazione with brief but detailed communications on his own specific skills, with the aim of exposing the students to, and helping them explore themes of international art.
