Fondazione Spinola-Banna per l'arte
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HOME | Visual arts | Milovan Farronato

Milovan Farronato

Beginning in 2008, the Fondazione Banna Spinola per l’Arte, will expand upon its teaching initiatives by inaugurating a series of short project workshops dedicated to young artists who have already taken part in activities at the Fondazione.

The short workshops are, in other words, nothing more than a sort of extension in teaching terms of those already carried out by the Fondazione. Their aim is to provide future support and help for those young artists selected to attend workshops over the years.
These new encounters will be presided over by special, highly-acclaimed guests from the world of contemporary art: artists, curators, museum directors, and specialists who will share their own special brand of knowledge and experiences with the students.
This will increase the scope of the Fondazione’s activities, which is keen to promote an exchange of cultures and experiences so as to broaden those forms of specific knowledge and experience which have become increasingly important for anyone intending to participate in the globalized world of visual arts.

The second short workshop of the Fondazione Spinola Banna per l’Arte Milovan Farronato is an art critic and independent curator. He is artistic director of the no-profit space ViaFarini, Milan since January 2005. He is also contributing editor of “Contemporary,” and “tema celeste contemporary art”, where he has worked as features editor from 2001 to January 2004. He collaborates with Galleria Civica di Modena and Arario Foundation Seoul /Bejijng/New York. He has also served as a guest lecturer for a post-graduate course of curatorial studies at Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan. Currently he teaches Contemporary Art History at IUAV, Venice.
