Fondazione Spinola-Banna per l'arte
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HOME | ARTISTI | Clara Luiselli

Clara Luiselli

Born in Clusone (BG) nel 1975.
Lives and works in Bergamo.

Intense, full, condensed, anxious, rich, mad days.
Tense moments, each certainty shattered to let in a new wide open space for research.
Questioning oneself completely, stretching one’s physical and menta limits in order to be able to go further…
A REAL experience

Clara Luiselli

Intense, full, condensed, anxious, rich, mad days. Tense moments, each certainty shattered to let in a new wide open space for research. Questioning oneself completely, stretching one’s physical and menta limits in order to be able to go further… Jump Jump Jump Jump Jump A REAL experience