Postgraduate Course in Instrumental Heritage Level III 2020
The Fondazione Spinola Banna per l’Arte, through a partnership agreement with the Pinerolo Academy of Music, hosts the Postgraduate Specialisation in Instrumental Musical Heritage – level III.
In the academic year 2019–2020, the first Postgraduate Specialisation in Instrumental Musical Heritage will be held in solo piano, solo piano in contemporary music, violin, viola, cello and guitar, recognised by the MIUR – the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. Created on the basis of a project of the Pinerolo Academy of Music, the two-year Specialisation Course issues a title recognised by the MIUR, equivalent to the Specialisation Courses in Musical Heritage, and can be accessed by those who have a second-level academic diploma issued by Higher Institutes of Music Studies (conservatories and former IMPs) and institutions authorised to issue titles of Higher Education in Artistic Musical and Coreutic Studies (ex. art. 11, DPR 8 July 2005, No. 212) or equivalent, or foreign titles recognised as equivalent, according to current regulations. All courses aim not only at the acquisition of skills related to music specialisation in its various forms, but also to self-employment and entrepreneurship. The course lasts two years, requires monthly attendance and provides individual specialisation courses for instrument, residential group lessons with weekly modules as well as personalised course elements supervised by specialists in the field. Further information is available from