Grant: scholarship 2008
The Spinola Banna per l’Arte Foundation has istituited, together with the Città di Torino and UniCredit Private Banking, a grant for a european residence.
For 2008 the Spinola Banna per l’Arte Foundation has istituited, together with the Città di Torino and UniCredit Private Banking, a grant of three months at the Centre International d’Accueil et d’Echanges des Récollets of the Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris. The grant forsees the participation of one artist selected among the artists that partecipated at the workshop organized by the Foundation during 2007 and/or the artists that partecipated at the initiatives organized by the Ufficio Creatività e Innovazione – Settore Arti Visive – Divisione della Città di Torino.
The winner of grant for the year 2008 is Paola Anziché.